Reflect! Mac OS

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VueScan is compatible with the Reflecta DigitDia 7000 on Windows x86, Windows x64, Windows RT, Windows 10 ARM, Mac OS X and Linux.

Reflector combines the powers of popular media streaming receivers like Apple TV, Chromecast and more to create a robust, all-in-one mirroring and streaming receiver. High-resolution scopes reflect HDR brightness levels as you edit, and tone mapping lets you easily convert HDR to Standard Dynamic Range output for broadcast. You can view beautiful HDR content on a variety of Mac computers that use the reserve brightness of the display to show an extended range of light levels. Image simulates the effect of HDR. Macrium Reflect is not available for Mac but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on macOS with similar functionality. The most popular Mac alternative is Clonezilla, which is both free and Open Source. Why Use Disk Utility’s Restore Function? Disk Utility is free and included with every copy of the Mac OS. And while the various cloning apps have a lot more features, if you don’t have access to third-party apps, using Disk Utility will create a perfectly usable clone, although it may require a few more steps and lacks some nice features, such as automation and scheduling.

Reflect Mac Os Update

This scanner has an infrared lamp for scanning film. VueScan's 'Filter Infrared clean' option can be used to remove dust spots from film scans. This is similar to (and we think better than) the ICE and FARE algorithms.

It scans with both visible light and infrared light in a single pass.

Reflect! Mac OS

Infrared cleaning works well with all types of color negative and color slide film, including Kodachrome. However, silver-based black/white film doesn't work with infrared cleaning because the silver particles look the same in visible light and infrared light.

Use the 'Scanner Calibrate' command to set the current slide to be frame number 1.


If you're using Windows and you've installed a Reflecta driver, VueScan's built-in drivers won't conflict with this. If you haven't installed a Windows driver for this scanner, VueScan will automatically install a driver.

Reflect Across

You can use this scanner on Mac OS X and Linux without installing any other software.